cartoon violence造句
- Some of the cartoon violence may be too much for younger viewers.
- It wasn't cartoon violence but sexual content that upset the board.
- Rated : PG _ rude humor and cartoon violence.
- Rated : PG ( cartoon violence, mild language)
- It includes cartoon violence and strong sexual innuendo.
- Rated : PG-13 _ Intense cartoon violence
- If cartoon violence is not counted, any tally of violence on TV drops dramatically.
- This is absolutely necessary, because this isn't Doom-type cartoon violence.
- It includes scenes of intense cartoon violence.
- Cartoon violence is a scapegoat issue ."
- It's difficult to see cartoon violence in a sentence. 用cartoon violence造句挺难的
- The combination of cartoon violence and Balanchine choreography is worthy of a Warner Bros . cartoon.
- Rated : PG ( cartoon violence)
- These include things like blood and gore, cartoon violence, drug reference and partial nudity.
- He compared " The Great Wife Hope " positively to cartoon violence in the latter episode.
- Blame Hollywood's anesthetizing sadism and cartoon violence . . . don't blame Hollywood.
- For most of a season and for most of the fans, football violence is like cartoon violence.
- Rated : NC-17 _ rude humor, sexually explicit activity and language, profanity and cartoon violence
- FV Fantasy violence : This extender is only used with programming rated TV-Y7 and indicates cartoon violence
- R ( profanity, nudity, sexual activity, cartoon violence, dangerous inanity ) . 1 / 2.
- Since it stands for " fantasy violence, " many parents incorrectly assume it means cartoon violence.
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